Can U Get a Yeast Infection From Sex?

Yeast infections are usually treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams, ointments or suppositories that contain clotrimazole or miconazole. Treatment typically takes between 1-7 days.

Candida fungus is normal in the mucous membranes that line the genital area, but an overgrowth of yeast can cause painful symptoms. Yeast infections can be spread during sexual contact, including oral and penetrative sex.

1. Yeast infections are a common occurrence.

Yeast infections can happen to anyone, but they are most common in young women. A yeast infection is actually a fungus in the vagina, or vulva, and it is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The fungus, Candida albicans, can grow when a woman’s normal balance of bacteria changes. This usually happens after puberty and before menopause. Yeast infections are not dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable. They can cause itching and burning in the area around the vaginal opening, which may bleed during vaginal sex or when you pee. The vulva can feel lumpy or tight, and you may have a thick white, chunky discharge that smells a little like cottage cheese.

Often, your doctor will diagnose a yeast infection by doing a pelvic exam. They will also ask you about your health history and symptoms. Your doctor may collect a sample of your vaginal discharge and send it to the lab for testing, if they suspect an infection is present. This is usually done for women who have recurring yeast infections or who are at risk of complications, such as those with HIV, or those taking medications that disrupt the healthy balance of germs in the body, such as birth control pills.

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If you’d like to learn more about preventing, diagnosing, and treating yeast infections, we recommend visiting the Mayo Clinic website. This is a well-respected institution with an integrated clinical practice, education, and research. Their website is a thorough clearinghouse of yeast infection information, including links to the latest clinical trials and journal articles.

2. They can be transmitted to a partner.

Yeast infections can be passed from one person to another, although they are not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). They can be spread through vaginal and oral sex as well as by sharing sex toys. Men can also get them, though it is more common for women. Yeast infections can also be spread to babies by breast feeding or chestfeeding, but this is less likely to happen.

Oral sex can cause vaginal yeast infections in both partners because the bacteria and Candida from your partner’s mouth, tongue, and gums can move down into your vulva. It is possible that they could also move into your nipples and anus, causing pain and irritation there. Yeast infections can also be spread by kissing someone with oral thrush or by sharing sex toys.

Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medications. Most health care providers recommend using a cream or a suppository inside your vagina at night for about three to seven nights, or even longer if needed. Some health care providers also recommend a course of antibiotics for those with recurring yeast infections or those who have a weakened immune system. They may also want to examine your genitals and ask you to take a sample of your discharge to see what type of yeast is causing your symptoms.

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3. They can be treated.

Yeast infections can be treated easily with a short course of over the counter or prescription pills or vaginal antifungal medications (creams, ointments, suppositories). If symptoms persist, your doctor may ask for a culture from your vulva or labia to evaluate the type of yeast that is growing. This test is done by gently touching the genital area and vagina with a swab that is sent to a lab.

Besides intercourse, other factors that can cause yeast infections include hormonal changes caused by the menstrual cycle, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy or pregnancy; some types of medication, including antibiotics and steroids; chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, HIV infection or immunosuppressant diseases; and age, stress and lack of sleep. In addition, sex can aggravate or prolong the symptoms of a yeast infection, as friction between the vulva and labia can irritate the skin.

If you have a yeast infection, you should avoid having sex until the symptoms clear up. Not only does this increase your risk of STIs, but it can also spread the infection to your partner. When you do engage in sexual activity, use plenty of lubrication and don’t use scented products that can irritate the skin. You should also use condoms if you’re having sex, as this can protect your partner from contracting your infection.

4. They can be prevented.

There are many ways to prevent yeast infections, including regular vaginal self-cleaning and avoiding tight underwear. Using unscented, cotton tampons can also help. When wiping, always wipe from front to back to ensure the area is cleaned thoroughly. Yeast infections are caused by an imbalance of bacteria and yeast, and when this balance is thrown off, symptoms like itching, vaginal burning, or cottage-cheese-like white discharge occur. Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments can often cure yeast infections, but more severe or reoccurring symptoms should warrant a visit to your doctor.

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Sexual activity can cause an overgrowth of Candida albicans because it alters the pH balance of the vagina and introduces new bacteria. This is why it’s important to use condoms during sex and make sure your partner has been tested for STIs. It’s also a good idea to use a lubricant that doesn’t contain glycerine, as it can irritate the sensitive area and worsen symptoms.

Adding probiotics to your diet can also help restore the balance of bacteria in your body and keep Candida under control. You can find these in supplements or fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. Avoiding sugary foods can also help, as yeast thrives on sugar. Finally, urinating regularly can help clear the area of any bacteria that may encourage infection. Wearing loose-fitting underwear and allowing your genitals to breathe can also help, as it can reduce moisture buildup that leads to infection.

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