How Long After Stopping Testosterone Does Sperm Count Increase?

Men with baseline low testosterone who want to conceive should talk to their healthcare providers about alternative ways to boost fertility without risking their health. The Texas Fertility Center offers a range of options that can help protect sperm count while also addressing low testosterone levels.

A natural herbal remedy called ashwagandha has been shown to improve sperm quality and concentration. It can be purchased online and at most health food stores.

The Recovery Period

For many men, the use of testosterone and other androgens can impact fertility. Fortunately, this is usually reversible, though it can take some time for sperm production to recover from the effects of exogenous hormones. A new study analyzing data from 1549 men in 30 studies found that it typically takes about three months for sperm levels to return to fertile levels after the discontinuation of testosterone treatment.

This is important information for couples hoping to conceive, especially those who have been on testosterone therapy for an extended period of time. This is because it may be harder to conceive after testosterone is discontinued due to low sperm counts and other changes in body chemistry.

The study also analyzed the duration of the testosterone treatment and age of the patient to determine whether or not this factor was a predictor of the length of time it would take for sperm counts to increase after testosterone cessation. It was determined that longer durations of testosterone use and older ages at the beginning of TTH significantly decreased the likelihood of achieving a total motile count (TMC) of five million sperm or higher in ejaculate after 12 months post-treatment.

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In addition to dietary changes, there are several other ways that men can boost their sperm counts in order to help them conceive. These include getting more sleep, avoiding alcohol and drugs, managing stress levels, and consuming more dietary vitamins and minerals.

Weeks 4-6

While testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can treat low-T symptoms and increase sperm count, it is also known to have adverse impacts on fertility. A person’s sperm count may fall after stopping TRT and will have to recover to fertile levels, which can take weeks or months.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) uses hormones that are manufactured in a lab to boost natural testosterone levels. The treatment is typically given in the form of gels, injections, or patches. As these hormones pass through the bloodstream, they fool the brain into thinking that there is enough testosterone and stops sending LH and FSH signals to the testes. Without these signals, the testes stop producing sperm and internal testosterone levels decline.

This can have negative effects on fertility, including reduced sperm counts and low sperm motility. However, the good news is that this effect is reversible. Testosterone levels will begin to rise again once you stop the treatment.

While it is important to let the sperm count recover after you stop TRT, you shouldn’t delay trying to conceive. The best way to know that you are ready to start trying is to speak with your doctor. They will check your levels and make sure that they are high enough to be safe for conception. If they are not, your doctor can recommend a number of ways to increase your sperm count, such as dietary changes and natural remedies.

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Weeks 8-12

Testosterone therapy can be helpful for men with low testosterone levels, but if you’re trying to become a father, it can cause your sperm count to plummet. Some men have even been rendered permanently infertile from TRT.

If you want to have children, it’s best to consult your doctor for a complete assessment of your sperm count and overall fertility. Several factors can impact sperm counts, including the duration of TRT, the dosage and individual physiology.

The results of one study showed that the duration and age at the time of TRT cessation are significant predictors of sperm recovery. It also reveals the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to promote sperm count recovery after TRT.

Some medical conditions, like inherited genetic disorders or infections, can lower sperm counts, too. In addition, certain medications can also impact sperm count, including alpha blockers and cancer treatments.

Excessive heat can also decrease sperm count. Avoiding exposure to excessive heat from saunas and hot tubs is important for preserving your sperm. If you’re concerned about your sperm count, consider freezing a sample before starting TRT.

Weeks 12-24

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can negatively impact sperm count. However, the good news is that this side effect is usually reversible. For men who want to start a family, it’s important to discuss fertility goals with their doctor before starting TRT, and to seek alternative methods for boosting sperm counts once they’ve finished their treatment.

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Sperm count is the number of sperm cells found in a sample of semen. Doctors consider a healthy sperm count to be at least 15 million per milliliter or 39 million per ejaculate.

The average sperm count can drop as you age, and this generally begins around middle age. However, a lowered sperm count can also be the result of excess alcohol consumption or certain medications. Exposure to toxic chemicals or heavy metals can also affect sperm count.

When you’re taking TRT, your sperm count can also decrease, making it harder to conceive (Patel, 2019). To help you avoid this issue, your healthcare provider may recommend that you use gonadotropin injections instead of testosterone to boost sperm levels. These injections stimulate the production of sperm in your testicles, but they’re only used if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant. It’s also important to remember that if you’re trying to conceive, you should stop using TRT at least 12 weeks before you have a sperm count test.

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