Ovarian Cyst Pain During Sex

Ovarian cyst pain during sex can be a difficult thing to live with. However, there are several ways to manage the symptoms.

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on or inside the ovary. They are fairly common in pre-pubescent girls and women of childbearing age and usually cause no major symptoms.

Painful intercourse

Pain with penetration (dyspareunia) during sexual activity is a common female health issue. It can be caused by a number of things, including physical problems and emotional concerns. Women who suffer from this condition may experience decreased sex drive and are at risk for sexually transmitted infections. Women can take steps to treat painful intercourse, including using lubrication and trying different sexual positions.

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs in or on an ovary. They are a normal part of the menstrual cycle in adolescents and women of childbearing age, but they can be painful when they rupture. Cysts that are asymptomatic usually go away on their own. Cysts that cause pain are typically larger and develop at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle. They can be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Some women who have ovarian cysts experience pain during sex. The pain is attributed to the cyst bumping up against other parts of the reproductive system. It is often worse with deep penetration and certain sexual positions. It may also be accompanied by swelling of the vulva or pelvis.

Some causes of painful intercourse include not enough lubrication, medical treatments like pelvic surgery or hysterectomy and medications such as antidepressants, high blood pressure pills or sedatives. Other causes of painful intercourse include pelvic floor injuries, an abnormal vaginal anatomy and psychological factors like trauma, a history of sexual abuse or depression.

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Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pockets that develop in or on an ovary. They are common in women who are pregnant or have not gone through menopause, and most do not cause symptoms. However, some can be very large and rupture or twist the ovary, leading to pain, bleeding or a reduced blood supply to the ovary. Cysts can also be cancerous.

Health care providers diagnose ovarian cysts by doing a physical exam and asking about your past medical history. An ultrasound test can help determine the size of a cyst and whether it is solid or filled with fluid, says ACOG. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can be helpful as well because it provides a more detailed image of an ovary than ultrasound does.

Functional cysts are those that develop because of hormone-related conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome. These often cause no symptoms, but they can grow and produce spotting or pain during a menstrual cycle or after sex. Cysts that occur because of a problem with the ovaries, such as follicular or corpus luteum cysts, are more likely to cause pain. These form when an ovulation does not take place or if the sac that releases the egg (an egg follicle) stays intact after ovulation, according to ACOG. They can also be caused by endometriosis, which occurs when the tissue that line the uterus develops outside of the womb and forms cysts in the ovary.

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Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids can cause pain during sexual intercourse, also called dyspareunia. This painful sensation occurs just before or during sex and can be felt externally to the labia, in the vulva entrance area or within the uterus itself. This condition can significantly impact a woman’s sexual drive and confidence, affecting intimate relationships. It can be exacerbated by a number of factors, including irregular periods or heavy menstrual bleeding, an enlarged uterus and pelvic cramps.

If you suffer from uterine fibroids, the first step to take is to consult your doctor. They will perform a pelvic exam and abdominal ultrasound to feel for any mass or fluid. In addition, a hysteroscopy can be done to examine the inside of the uterus by inserting a thin tube with a camera through the vagina or cervix.

The fibroid treatment of choice is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). This procedure takes about 45 minutes and can be performed in an outpatient setting. It cuts off the fibroid’s blood supply, which causes it to shrink and die. Fibroids do not return after this treatment, and women who have undergone UFE often say they “got their lives back.” Some women can experience regrowth of the fibroid, so additional treatment may be necessary. This will depend on your symptoms and whether or not you want to have children in the future.


Vulvodynia (say: vul-vodin-ie-a) is pain in the vulva, the external female genital area. It can be provoked or unprovoked and may feel like burning, tingling, itching or irritating, as well as being painful during sexual intercourse. It is thought to be caused by damaged nerves in the vestibule, which is the area around and between the urethra and vagina. It can be triggered by chronic thrush, sexual trauma or injury, and it can also be exacerbated by stress and certain medications.

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Women who have vulvodynia often find it difficult to talk about the pain with their significant other, but bringing in someone you trust to act as your advocate can be helpful. They can help you remember information your health care professional gives you and ask questions.

To diagnose vulvodynia, your health care professional will do a pelvic exam and carefully inspect your vulva. They may take a sample of your discharge to look for yeast or other infections that could be causing the pain. They will also want to know if the pain is present all the time or is aggravated by particular stimuli. They will also do a test called mapping vulvar pain, which involves placing pressure with a cotton-tipped swab in various areas of your vulva and asking you to rate the intensity of the pain.

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