What Are Sex Offenders Not Allowed to Do in New York?

New York requires most people convicted of sex offenses to register with the state. Their risk classification determines the length of their registration, which can last for life.

Level 1 offenders, who are considered low recidivist risks, must register for 20 years, while Level 2 and Level 3 offenders will have to register for life. This can have serious implications, including social humiliation and trouble finding housing.

1. They are not allowed to live within 1,000 feet of a school

Sex offenses are often violent and can affect children. Because of this, people who commit sex offenses are often subject to intense scrutiny and restrictions, including mandatory registration and a limit on where they can live. These limitations can impact an offender’s ability to find housing, and can lead to social disgrace and humiliation, loss of relationships, and even job opportunities. In addition, sex offenders are at risk for both verbal and physical assaults from their victims.

In New York, a level 3 sex offender who has a victim under the age of 18 cannot be within 1,000 feet of a school. This is true of all convicted sex offenders, but levels 2 offenders may be permitted to be closer if they have written authorization from their probation officer or the court and are accompanied by a school superintendent. A sex offender’s risk level also plays a role in whether they are allowed to live within a certain distance from schools.

A recent ruling by the state’s highest court essentially invalidates local laws restricting where registered sex offenders can live. In this case, the Court threw out a Nassau County law that prohibited all level 1 sex offenders not on parole from living within 1,000 feet of a school.

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The ruling found that the state has already established a statewide law for placing sex offenders, and local laws interfere with this by imposing restrictions that are too strict. It’s worth pointing out that local sex offender laws are based on flawed and outdated research, and that they can be extremely restrictive for many people.

2. They are not allowed to work on an ice cream truck

After a serial killer molested children in New York in 2004, several cities and states passed laws that bar sex offenders from working on ice cream trucks. These laws are based on the assumption that serial killers will commit future crimes if they are around children. They also assume that sex offenders are likely to reoffend if they work in proximity to vulnerable populations. These assumptions are flawed and do not hold up to evidence.

Moreover, these restrictions are overly broad and prevent individuals who have not committed sex crimes that involve or threaten children from finding employment. There is no demonstrable relationship between where registered sex offenders work and their likelihood of reoffending, and this type of restriction prevents them from successfully reentering society.

In addition, these restrictions prevent ice cream vendors from offering a convenient and affordable service to their customers. Many people who use these services are low income and may not be able to afford other types of food delivery options.

Sexual abuse crimes are tragic, and it is understandable that we want to do everything possible to protect children from such incidents. However, we should be focusing our efforts on preventing abuse before it occurs, not limiting the types of jobs a person can hold. Instead, we should invest in programs that provide resources for affordable housing, quality mental health care, substance abuse treatment, education, and job training. These programs will give individuals the tools they need to rebuild their lives and avoid re-offenses.

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3. They are not allowed to drive a school bus

The state requires all sex offenders to register with the division of criminal justice services and provide a DNA sample. They must also provide their driver’s license number, date of birth, address, sex, race, height, weight, eye color and any internet account information they may have. They must also submit a detailed description of the crime for which they were convicted.

The registries are intended to prevent offenders from living too close to schools and other public places where children frequent. However, the laws can be difficult to enforce, and they often lead to complaints from residents who feel that they are being discriminated against. They can also cause problems for offenders by limiting their employment opportunities and restricting where they live.

A recent case out of Florida highlights the problem that arises when residence restrictions are not carefully regulated. In this instance, the school bus stop in one Florida town is located directly in front of a home where multiple registered sex offenders live. Parents in the area are concerned about their safety and have urged the state to do something about it.

In New York, drivers must be especially careful to obey school bus law when passing stopped school buses. This is because the state has strict laws against passing stopped school buses that can result in severe penalties for violators.

4. They are not allowed to have an internet account

The state’s e-STOP law prohibits people convicted of sex crimes from using the internet and social media. However, the law’s provisions have been ruled unconstitutional in multiple courts. Despite the rulings, the DOCCS has continued to restrict people’s access to online services. The New York Civil Liberties Union, Rutgers Law School Constitutional Rights Clinic and Prisoners’ Legal Services of New York filed a lawsuit against the DOCCS, and in 2021, they secured a settlement that allows people on the sex offender registry to use the internet.

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According to Megan’s Law, sex offenders must register with the state and disclose their internet identifiers, as well as submit to periodic, unannounced examinations of their computers. Defendant challenged the statute, saying that Facebook does not qualify as an “internet identifier.” The county court denied his motion, and he pled guilty.

Those on the sex offender registry must also notify DCJS of their address and provide written information about their internet service providers, internet screen names, and e-mail accounts. Additionally, they must notify DCJS within ten days of any change in their address. DCJS cannot publish a list of Level 1 offenders, but they can be found through a search engine on the website.

If you have been convicted of a sexually-based offense, sex offender lawyers in Albany can help you fight to stay off the public sex offender registry and get a lower sex offender rating. Call today to get started.

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