What Is a Sex Coach?

A sex coach works with clients on a wide range of sexual concerns. They provide verbal instruction, education and exercises to help them reach their goals. They may also use body work and a hands-on approach.

They teach their clients how to track arousal, understand their turn-ons and overcome shame that might be associated with them. They will also celebrate their client’s accomplishments throughout the process.

Professional training

A sex coach takes a more practical approach than a therapist, and they often offer exercises and homework. They also help clients build trust and confidence around the topic. This method may include touching or incorporating the physical body into the session, depending on the client’s comfort level.

Intimacy coaches teach their clients to share sexual needs with their partners, and help them move past shame that arises around their desires. They also teach their clients to track and understand their arousal cycle, which allows them to feel more confident in intimate situations.

Sex coaches often use tools such as breathing techniques, movement, self-touch, and genital massage during sessions. They may even suggest that their clients practice these tools at home with a partner between sessions. They also provide information on topics such as erectile dysfunction, masturbation, and sexuality in long-term relationships.

Regardless of the methods they use, most sex coaches aim to make their clients feel more comfortable in their bodies and confident about their sexuality. Many also focus on a holistic approach, incorporating bodywork and somatic healing into their work. For example, Gigi Engle is an intimacy coach and a psychotherapist in training who specializes in pleasure-based sex education and safer masturbation practices. She also offers a variety of sexual healing practices, including somatic sex and Tantra.

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Obtaining a certification from a reputable sex coach training program will help you to become a more effective coach. This is especially true if you want to specialize in one particular niche of the field. For example, you can choose to focus on gender and sex coaching, relationship coaching, or sexual pleasure. Some coaches also choose to become members of professional organizations.

The most popular sex coach training programs are based on a holistic approach. They incorporate both verbal and visual instruction, as well as a wide variety of exercises. These are often used to help clients move through blocks, promote healing, generate curiosity, and foster creativity. Although these exercises are meant to be fun, they should never cause any discomfort. In addition to these training programs, you can also take online courses or attend seminars on sex education, relationship counseling, and masturbation.

Sex coaches help people overcome erotic barriers by normalizing their sexual desires and reducing shame. They use tools to teach their clients about their sex bodies and sexual preferences, and they offer practical advice on things like lube and sex toys. They may even encourage their clients to try out masturbation and sex play in a safe environment. This is called experiential sex coaching. These coaches are different from sex therapists, who typically have psychotherapy credentials and work with patients individually.

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Many people have misconceptions about sex coaches. They may think that they must have sex with their clients or that their sessions will be sexual in nature. This is untrue. In fact, sex coach training teaches participants how to create safe and effective sex experiences for their clients. These skills are important to develop, especially for a coach working with couples who want to connect deeply.

A sex coach can offer verbal instruction, support, collaborate, monitor and validate their clients as they work through sex and intimacy issues. They may also provide written and visual resources for their clients. Most sex coaches have a holistic approach and some are bodyworkers or somatic healers.

Sex coaches can help their clients with a variety of issues, including sexual aversion, low libido, performance anxiety and poor erections. They can help their clients explore underlying issues such as depression or trauma and work to resolve them.

In addition, a sex coach can teach their clients self-love and healthy boundaries. They can also teach them to practice breathing techniques, movement and touch. They can also help them find the right partner for themselves and develop a healthy sexual relationship. They can also provide a space for them to share their personal challenges and successes with others. Finally, a sex coach can help them create a plan to achieve their goals.


A comprehensive gender and sex coach certification program can provide you with the entrepreneurial training you need to start your own coaching practice. These programs also include experiential learning, which is critical to a successful career in sexuality coaching. You’ll get the support and mentoring you need to overcome obstacles and build trust with clients. The best gender and sex coaches have a wide range of skills that enable them to work with a variety of clients. These include understanding sexual desires, teaching breathwork and movement to enhance pleasure, promoting healing through somatic bodywork, facilitating communication, and offering sexuality education.

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Depending on the method they use, these sex coaches may give clients exercises or homework to practice between sessions. They also may engage in sensual touch during sessions to help clients relax. They also teach clients how to communicate effectively and how to move past shame.

The experience method of sex coaching involves learning and practicing sexuality skills in the coach’s office. The coach will encourage a client’s participation and offer feedback as they learn. This type of coaching is ideal for people who want to become more confident in intimate relationships, as it helps them gain a better sense of their own needs and feelings. It can also help them build intimacy with their partners. These include couples who are hesitant to talk openly about their sexual experiences, and single women who don’t experience orgasm during intercourse.

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