Why is it Bad to Drink Water After Sex?

Drinking water is a great way to replenish body fluids. It also helps reduce fatigue.

However, many people may be confused by a statement made by a Facebook user regarding the health risks of drinking water after sex.

The truth is that this advice is not accurate. There are several reasons why you should continue to drink water after sex.

It can cause a UTI

A urinary tract infection is an uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous bacterial infection that can affect the bladder, ureters, or kidneys. Women are more prone to UTIs than men because the urethra is shorter in women, making it easier for bacteria to enter the body and travel up to the bladder. Symptoms of a UTI can range from mild to severe, and the condition usually clears up within a few days with antibiotics. Drinking water after sex can help prevent UTIs by flushing the system and preventing bacteria from settling in the urethra.

Water also helps the body produce pre-ejaculate, a natural lubricant that reduces friction during sexual intercourse and can prevent sperm from becoming infected by acidity. It can also improve the quality of sex by improving blood flow to the penis and reducing fatigue, which can lead to poor erections.

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During sexual intercourse, the body experiences intense physical activity and sweats heavily. This can cause the loss of fluids that need to be replenished, which can result in dehydration. To avoid dehydration, it is important to drink water after sex and throughout the day. A good choice of water is coconut water, which contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. These nutrients are often lost during intense physical activity, and regular drinking of water can help replenish them.

It’s bad for the uterus

If your bladder sits very close to your uterus, pain from the muscles around it can be aggravated by sex. This happens because the muscle strain caused by orgasm causes your body to release a lot of prostaglandin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions. This can lead to sex pain, cramping and sometimes bleeding.

Light bleeding after sex is not uncommon, and it can occur for several reasons. It could be implantation bleeding, which is caused by a fertilized egg attaching itself to the lining of your uterus. It’s also possible that you’re pregnant, and this spotting is a sign of your placenta moving down into your uterus.

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Bleeding after sex can also be caused by a vaginal infection, or by a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or gonorrhea. If you have a UTI and are experiencing pain and bleeding during intercourse, it’s important to see your doctor to get the right treatment.

Another common cause of pain and bleeding after sex is cervical inflammation, or cervicitis. This occurs when the cervix, the lower end of the uterus that opens into the vagina, becomes inflamed. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including infection, and it’s often treated with antibiotics. Other causes of cervicitis include a precancerous lesion, such as a polyp, and cervical cancer. These are typically diagnosed with a pap smear or ultrasound.

It’s bad for the bladder

The bladder is a balloon-like organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine until you need to empty it. Each day, adults pass about a quart and a half of urine out of their bodies. Urine contains waste and extra fluid left over from what we eat and drink. The bladder is sensitive to many foods and drinks that can irritate it. That’s why some people need to visit the toilet often or feel an urgent urge to pee.

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When your bladder gets full, nerve signals are sent to the brain. These signals make you want to go to the bathroom, and they help your muscles contract to push the urine out of your body through your urethra.

Avoid bladder irritants, which include caffeine and alcohol. Also, stay away from acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and peppers. Instead, drink plenty of fluids, including water, to avoid irritation. For most people, eight glasses of fluid a day is enough to keep the bladder hydrated. This can also reduce the urgency to urinate. Drinking enough water can even prevent bladder pain caused by irritants.

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