Why Does Sex Hurt During Pregnancy?

Having a baby is a huge change for your body. Unfortunately, that can lead to some discomfort during sex. But it’s usually nothing to worry about.

Pain during sex is caused by the extra weight of the pregnancy, as well as the round ligaments that get stretched and a uterus that’s larger than usual. Using lubricant can help with the discomfort.

1. Varicose Veins

When your body goes through pregnancy, there are multiple changes that might make sex uncomfortable. But that’s not a good excuse for not making time for your partner or to skip out on a healthy relationship – This section was conveyed by the website https://sexgils.com.

If you’re feeling pain during sex, it’s best to talk to your doctor right away. This can help you figure out what’s causing the discomfort so you can try to get it under control.

For instance, you may have a condition called varicose veins, which can become more pronounced during pregnancy. This is because a growing baby can put pressure on the major blood vessels that run through your pelvic area and cause them to enlarge. This can lead to pain during sex, as well as in the legs and vulva.

A doctor will be able to tell you what’s going on with your varicose veins and prescribe medication, if necessary. In some cases, the symptoms will resolve once your pregnancy is over.

In the meantime, try to communicate with your partner about what feels comfortable and what doesn’t. Also, consider using a water-based lubricant and trying new positions that might relieve the pain.

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2. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

While hormone changes during pregnancy can enhance erogenous zones, they can also cause them to become tender and uncomfortable. This can make sex less pleasurable and may lead to pain during intercourse. Hormone levels change throughout different trimesters and each woman’s body reacts differently, so it can be difficult to pinpoint what is causing the pain.

One of the most common reasons why sex hurts during pregnancy is due to pressure on the uterus and pelvic area from the baby. The round ligaments on either side of the uterus can get stretched and this can feel like a deep ache or cramping during or after sex. This can increase in intensity when a person sneezes or stands up quickly. It is important to talk to your doctor about this pain because it could be a sign of an infection that needs to be treated.

Other infections that can cause sex pain during pregnancy include bladder infections and bacterial vaginosis. These infections can be serious and so it is important to contact a doctor right away if you are experiencing these symptoms. It is also important to use water-based lubricant, experiment with positions and take care of your body so that you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

3. Uterine Cramps

If you are in your second trimester or later, you may experience pain during sex due to the round ligaments that connect the front of your uterus to the pelvic bone getting stretched out. These can feel like a deep ache or cramping and may increase in intensity with sudden movements during sex (like sneezing or standing up quickly).

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The third trimester is when the baby’s weight puts pressure on your pelvic muscles. This, along with hormonal changes, can cause sex to hurt.

A woman’s uterus is made up of two ligaments on either side called the round ligaments that connect it to her pelvic bones. These can become tight and painful during pregnancy as they stretch. This is similar to the feeling of menstrual cramps and can be aggravated by sudden movement during sex or by sleeping in certain positions.

If you are experiencing pain during sex, it is important to communicate with your partner about what feels good and doesn’t. In addition, using a water-based lubricant, trying different positions and pillows and taking it slow can help ease discomfort during sex while you’re pregnant. It’s also important to see a doctor if you experience any bleeding, fever or abnormal vaginal discharge during or after sex. These could be signs of a serious issue, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

4. Stress

Pain during sex in pregnancy isn’t uncommon, but it can be uncomfortable and unpleasant for both partners. This pain is caused by a variety of factors, which can vary from trimester to trimester. Whether it’s due to a change in hormone levels, the weight of the baby, or the positioning of the belly, these discomforts can be hard to deal with during sexual intercourse.

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During the first trimester, a hormone called relaxin is released that softens the ligaments to prepare for the growing uterus. Unfortunately, this can also cause the pelvic bones to loosen and can make penetration painful. During this time, it is important to carefully experiment with different positions and to use lubrication to decrease friction.

In the second trimester, the enlarging uterus can cause discomfort by placing extra pressure on the stomach and bladder. This can result in frequent trips to the bathroom and may make it difficult to get undressed and into a sexual position. It is also recommended to use a lubricant that is safe for pregnancy during this time.

Round ligament pain is a common condition that occurs when the ligaments that support the uterus start to stretch and soften during pregnancy. This pain can be triggered by certain positions during sex and can feel like a sharp pain to one side of the abdomen or as a cramp that feels like menstrual pain.

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